We appreciate every request that comes to us, whether it’s to recommend new voices, give advice or provide feedback on initiatives. With limited resources and manpower, however, it’s not possible to reply to everyone. We have included below links to photographs, biographies, and a Press Pack.

Press Pack

All materials, including images, are under the copyright of the African Futures Institute (AFI) © 2024. While we encourage dissemination of this information for legitimate news purposes, we kindly request adherence to the following guidelines.

When using any of the images, please include a clear copyright notice attributing the source to AFI with the copyright symbol (©), name of photographer and year. These materials are provided for editorial use only in connection with reporting on AFI’s activities. The materials may not be modified in any way without prior written permission from the AFI. The materials may not be used in a manner that suggests endorsement of any product, service, or organisation by the AFI without prior written permission.